handyspeech handwriting to speech app

Turn your handwriting into speech with the HandySpeech App

Over the years we’ve written about several different text-to-speech tools.  Text-to-speech (TTS) is a type of assistive technology that reads digital text aloud.  If you’re looking for a tool to help turn handwriting into speech, check out HandySpeech! The HandySpeech App is the only handwriting-to-speech application for iOS devices.  It helps provide individuals with speech […]

happify app logo

Happify App

Did you know May is Mental Health Awareness Month?  This past year, a growing number of individuals began experiencing depression and/or anxiety for the first time ever.  If you are looking for a fun app to help reduce anxiety or stress, check out Happify! While many apps focus on learning meditation and mindfulness, Happify is […]

lil requester app

Lil Requester App

Looking for an app to help your child with socio-communication challenges express themselves and their needs effectively?  With the Lil Requester app, children can make requests by expressing feelings and identifying familiar people, places, and activities. According to the app’s description: “Every child has a right to communicate their needs.  However, communication requires an avenue […]

be focused app pro

Stay on task with the Be Focused app!

Regardless of age, it’s no secret that individuals with (and without) ADHD may have a hard time with time management, staying on task, and more.  If you are looking for a tool to help keep you or your child on task, check out the Be Focused app! In sum, the app is an “unobtrusive task […]

cboard AAC app mobile example

Cboard AAC App

There are so many available Augmentative and Alternative (AAC) apps and devices available that it can be overwhelming to find what works best for you or your child.  One available option is the Cboard AAC Web App! According to its description on the developer’s website, Cboard “helps users with speech and language impairments to communicate […]