Smart devices talking to one another: freaky or exciting?

I remember watching a movie over 14 years ago where the house had several automated items, ultimately simplifying the residents’ lives.  I was wholly intrigued with the idea of turning lights on from across the room, or playing a song by simply saying it aloud.  Though I was lost in reverie pondering the future, never […]

Vitality: Reminders for what matters most

by Laura Medcalf Nearly half of all Americans are on at least one prescription medication.  And among this population, a majority are challenged to take their pills as prescribed which is unsafe and unhealthy.  A possible solution to this common predicament is available through Vitality products, a company whose mission is to help you and […]

Upsee Harness

By Laura Medcalf Debby Elnatan’s son was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.  Upon his diagnosis, she was told by medical professionals that her son, Rotem, “didn’t know what his legs are and has no consciousness of them.”  She went on to explain her reaction and how it inspired her invention, the Firefly Upsee, which is now being […]

How will Google Glass benefit people with disabilities?

By: Laura Medcalf Throughout the years, technology has gone from boxed and small (but very heavy!) television sets with faulty rabbit ear antennae with fuzzy picture as seen here to sleek, lightweight flat screens mounted on walls with crisp, high-definition picture: What is arguably crazier to reflect on is how computers with limited functions once took up […]

The Hand Glider

Styluses and tablets are great in terms of making many things accessible to individuals with disabilities.  Many users have difficulty writing and drawing on tablets with their “hands in the air” (to avoid unnecessary markings on the screen.  Further, writing in such a position is unnatural, fatiguing and awkward, and may ultimately hinder an individual […]