Note Teller 2 offers a way for Visually Impaired to Read Paper Money

For the visually impaired, determining paper money denominations can prove to be quite challenging but with the Note Teller 2, this task becomes much easier and convenient. The Note Teller 2 is a portable device small enough to fit into your pocket that reads money denominations for the blind, visually impaired and deaf-blind people. It reads both old and new designs of U.S. bank notes including colored ones. The notes can be slid into the device in any direction or orientation, which makes it easy to operate. The device is battery powered but turns off automatically. Simply, slip the paper bill into the slot at the top of the device and it will ready the total aloud.To create privacy, the device can be linked to headphones and volume can be adjusted, too. It can be switched from English to Spanish language if necessary.

It includes simple large print instructions and an instructional audio CD. The Note Teller 2 is sold with a 6-month warranty and a 30-day money back guarantee if you aren’t satisfied.  This product is about $300 and is available from multiple distributors.

The Enhanced Note Teller 2 has the same basic functions.  However, it uses a series of vibrations to indicate the denomination of the bill for the deaf-blind community. Paper bills can be inserted into the Note Teller in any direction or orientation, but a simple series of vibrations, instead of sound, let the user know how much the bill is worth.

BRYTECH Inc., located in Ottawa, Canada, produces both of these products and specializes in products for the blind and visually impaired. Established in 1982, the company strives to create innovative, electronic products.

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