Blind and visually impaired students get the most out of science laboratories

Very few students who are blind or visually impaired have been able to actively contribute to the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) simply because laboratories, data and experiments are sight driven and rely on observations.

However, GW Micro is seeking to change this.

The new collaborative effort between GW Micro and Independence Science strives to provide a solution that will enable more blind and visually impaired students around the world to enter the STEM fields.

Dr. Cary Supalo, of Independence Science, along with a team from GW Micro have developed an innovative set of text-to-speech solutions that serve as a liaison between the visually impaired student and science lab technology.

The comprehensive and accessible set of products is called ISci Lab Solution.

“The ISci Lab Solution enables students who are blind to participate in hands-on learning activities with scientific data and curriculum. ‘We envision a classroom that exhibits the full integration of students with VI and reduces teacher anxiety about accommodating students during lab activities,” said Dr. Supalo, who is himself a blind scientist. “My experience developing these access technologies has taught me that blindness need not be a barrier in the pursuit of one’s ambitions.'” –

First up is the LabQuest from Vernier, a stand-alone data collection interface. The software for the device includes:

ISci Voice Plug-in (for LabQuest)
Vernier Logger Pro (data collection and analysis application for PC)
Window-Eyes (screen reader application for PC)
Window-Eyes app for Logger Pro (enhances Logger Pro accessibility with Window-Eyes)


The LabQuest is a portable, handheld device that can collect data from over 75 Vernier sensors. Sensors are available for a number of scientific fields including Biology, Chemistry and Physics to meet the needs of any educational curriculum.

The device can provide real-time data readings for experiment participation allowing visually impaired or blind students to get the most out of class.

Logger Pro

Logger Pro is a software program that specializes in data-collection and data analysis that is student-friendly and powerful.

Logger Pro’s basic features include:

Collect live data from more than 80 different sensors and devices.
Manually enter data for graphing and analysis.
Import data from Vernier interfaces including LabQuest.
Read values and slope from graphs using examine and tangent line tools.
Print graphs and data tables.
Use a variety of data-collection modes as needed for your experiment: time-based data, selected events, events with typed-in entries, photogate, radiation counting, and more.
Perform statistical analysis of data, including integrals, tangents, curve fits, and more.

The software even has the ability to change languages: Arabic, Czech, German, Greek, Spanish, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, just to name a few.

Come back tomorrow to check out one last piece of equipment to help blind and visually impaired students excel in the lab!

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