zpods generation 2 sleeping pods

zPods – Sleeping pods for children

The American Academy of Family Physicians is saying that up to 50% of children will experience some sort of sleep challenge.  Sleeping issues are especially common among children with autism or other special needs.  If your child experiences sleeping difficulties, there is a new potential solution: introducing zPods!

zpods generation 2 sleeping pods

zPods are fully enclosed capsule beds that provide children with a “customizable sensory-friendly sleeping pod.”  These sleeping pods come jam-packed with features such as intelligent lighting control, white noise generation, an innovative air filter, and more.

The pods feature sliding doors that are easy to install and remove.  The company even offers door design so you can match the doors to your room decor!

The bed also features a BLE 5.0 Bluetooth-connected control panel which you can control via the zPods App either from inside the bed or outside the bed on your mobile phone or tablet.  While using the app, parents have the ability to lock and unlock selected features of the bed.

Overview of zPods:

  • Customizable sensory-friendly sleeping pods
  • BLE 5.0 Bluetooth-connected control panel that can be controlled on your mobile phone or tablet
  • The bed comes with 2 Bluetooth speakers
    • Simply connect the speakers to your smart device and stream white noise or calming music
  • There are two fans built into the pod to help with air circulation
  • The bed ships flat and will require roughly 30 minutes of assembly time for two people
  • Measures approximately 4.25 feet tall, 4.25 feet wide, 7.25 feet long

Click here to learn more about these revolutionary sleeping pods!

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