Shari Petersime has been a junior/high school life skills teacher for kids with special needs for many years. She has been teaching for a total of 38 years and currently teaches the life skills class at North Eastern Wayne High School in Fountain City, IN. She teaches the kids in this class how to cook, […]
Posts with the Easterseals Crossroads tag
Monday Tech Tip:Virtual On Line Training (VOLT) at Easter Seals Crossroads
Wade Wingler, Director of Assistive Technology and Brian Norton, Manager of Clinical Assistive Technology at Easter Seals Crossroads discuss the new Virtual On Line Training (VOLT) program. Having trouble viewing the video-click here.
Hopeful future for hearing disabled movie-goers
When was the last time you saw a movie, in theatres, with subtitles? Chances are it has been a while if you have ever seen one at all. For those with hearing disabilities, going to the movies can be a challenge. Not all theaters provide a subtitle option and if they do, the showings are […]