A11y – Web Accessibility for Web Designers & Developers

Need Accessibility Help?

Easterseals Crossroads offers web and document accessibility services to ensure everyone, regardless of ability, has access to information. Our team is well versed on Web Accessibility Content Guidelines (WCAG), Section 508, and other accessibility standards.

For more information or to receive a quote for your website or documentation, please contact Brian Norton at 317-466-2001 ext. 2460.

2024 Web Accessibility for Web Designers & Developers

The INDATA Project is pleased to host a Web Accessibility for Web Designers & Developers Wednesday, May 29 from 11am-4pm.

Description: Join renowned web accessibility professional Dennis Lembree for a full day of training. This training starts with a background on disability, guidelines, and law. Many techniques for designing and developing an accessible website are then explained; basic through advanced levels are covered. The main topics include content structure, images, forms, tables, CSS, and ARIA. Techniques on writing for accessibility and testing for accessibility are also covered. If you are involved in web design or development, don’t miss this wealth of practical knowledge.

Speaker Bio: Dennis Lembree is a Senior Accessibility Program Manager at GitHub. He previously worked at Deque Systems and on the PayPal and eBay accessibility teams. He has two decades of experience in writing articles, training, and presenting on digital accessibility. He is also the creator of the first podcast on web accessibility, Web Axe, and created the first accessible Twitter app, Easy Chirp. Dennis lives outside Raleigh, NC with his wife, two teenage boys, and four cats. He enjoys playing guitar, watching football and tennis, hiking, and traveling.

You can find Dennis on Mastodon at @dennisl@mastodon.social

To sign-up for this event visit our registration page.

Web Accessibility for Web Designers & Developers Materials:

2024 Web Accessibility Webinar Archived Materials:

2024 Archive Video | 2024 Slides

2023 Web Accessibility Webinar Archived Materials:

2023 Archive Video | 2023 Slides

Web Accessibility Videos: 

Check out these videos about making your website more accessible to assistive technology users.

Part 1 http://youtu.be/BbkyPS5AlNU

Part 2 http://youtu.be/7l75f9Jzweg

Part 3 http://youtu.be/t0F9Lvh8qdY

Archive Video from 2021 Web Accessibility Webinar for Developers

Document and Social Media Accessibility Webinars

Check out these other helpful accessibility videos — making Word Docs and PowerPoints more accessible along with PDF and social media accessibility.

Web Accessibility testing on the Cheap: https://youtu.be/jNzSyJSeifY (video)

PowerPoint Accessibility: http://bit.ly/AT3powerpointaccessibility

Microsoft Word Accessibility: http://bit.ly/AT3MSWordAccessibility

PDF Accessibility: Session 1 – https://bit.ly/AT3PDFAccessibility

Social Media Accessibility: https://bit.ly/AT3SocialMediaAccessibility

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines – WCAG

Learn more about web accessibility: www.w3c.org/wai