VA Driver Rehabilitation Program Promotes Independence for Veterans

The Department of Veterans Affairs provides veterans with benefits and services they have earned. One of those services is a Driver Rehabilitation program. Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center offers a program to get veterans suffering from emotional and physical obstacles safely back behind the wheel. The Driver Rehabilitation Program gives hope to veterans who want to regain an active life after receiving an injury that affects mobility. In particular, the Dallas VA has one of the premiere programs in the country for veterans with spinal cord injuries and the Palo Alto VA provides training for soldiers suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

The VA also provides modifications to equipment so an automobile can be used by veterans with disabilities. The VA even does the installation of equipment. Soldiers can use a VA Training Van to practice their driving skills because they will have to pass a driving exam at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles just like everyone else. One of the biggest obstacles for veterans with limited mobility is how to enter and exit the automobile. The VA provides training with demonstrations to address this particular issue.  Drivers must have regained their full strength and mobility before training begins since most modifications are tailored to their abilities.Patients using high-end driving equipment must complete a minimum of 20 hours of driving training to ensure they are comfortable with the new equipment.

Some soldiers return home with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and can’t do tasks that were once a habit, like driving. The Palo Alto VA provides soldiers an opportunity to regain driving skills without feeling uneasy during the task. Training starts with an evaluation and many times this triggers a fight or flight reaction from soldiers. Next, soldiers spend time in a simulator and the instructor helps them find and defeat potentially stressful situations when driving.

The Department of Veterans Affairs also offers other programs for veterans including other disability care programs, health care programs, benefits programs and others. There are 43 cities in the United States with VA Driving Rehabilitation programs including Indianapolis, IN.

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  1. Does this program encompass an older driver, who is a veteran, and has has his driver’s license suspended for medical reasons and needs to prove to the DMV that he is fit to drive?


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