Assistive Technology for People with Autism

image of rainbow colored hands around the worldPeople with Autism may need assistance doing every day tasks or communicating with the people around them. Below is a short list of assistive technology services and products that may be helpful for your or a loved one with Autism.

The Center for AAC and Autism
The Center for AAC and Autism aims to build awareness about augmentative and alternative communication devices. The goal of the organization is to communicate the power of these devices and how technology can change the lives of children with autism and other developmental disabilities.

DynaVox Mayer-Johnson: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Devices and Services
DynaVox, an Augmentative and Alternative Communication products and services company, offers solutions for individuals with speech and learning challenges. Medicare, Medicaid and insurance funds some speech generative devices to help people with conditions such as autism make meaningful relationships with the world and people around them.

Enabling Devices
Enabling Devices is dedicated to developing affordable learning and assistive technology to help people of all ages with disabling conditions.

Talking Pocket
The GoTalk Pocket is lightweight and so small it fits nicely in the palm of your hand or pocket. It’s a simple recording device that is contoured to naturally fit in your hand. This device has six message keys so the user has plenty to talk about. You can record and share messages.

LAMP: Language Acquisition through Motor Planning
LAMP is a therapeutic approach based on neurological and motor learning principles. It aims to to give individuals who are nonverbal or have limited verbal abilities a method of independently and spontaneously expressing themselves in any setting. It focuses on giving a person independent access to vocabulary through AAC devices that use consistent motor skills.

MyVoice is an alternative and augmentative communications aide (AAC) designed to help non-verbal, low cognitive people communicate their needs and desires. It’s a digital version of the “picture board.” A picture board is a communication method that works well many non-verbal children. Children can point to an image to communicate what they are wanting to say.

This information was curated from

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