3 Scholarships for Students with Disabilities

MP910220860 (1)When the Americans with Disabilities Act came into effect in 1990, schools were required by the government to accommodate the needs of students with disabilities. This began breaking down many barriers that prevented students from accessing educational resources and technology. It has enabled thousands of students to enjoy the full benefits of a college education.

Many scholarships are available for students with disabilities to help offset the cost of a college education. Now students can “earn” money to pay for education not only through financial aid.

Here is three opportunities that are available for students with disabilities.

  1. Development Disabilities Awareness Awards for Lutheran High School Students. Bethesda Lutheran Communities awards two $500 scholarships each year to promote high school students’ awareness of the career opportunities in the field of developmental disabilities. Applicants need to submit letters of reference, a transcript, documentation of at least 25 hours of paid or volunteer work in the field of developmental disabilities, and interview two professionals in the field and submit written summaries. Deadline to apply if April 15, 2013.
  2. “Scholarships for Students with Disabilities.” This scholarship is awarded annually and provides assistance to individuals with physical and sensory disabilities so they can pursue educational goals or gain technical expertise beyond high school. The goal of this award is to increase career options through education and training. Scholarships are based on individual need and will not exceed $1,000. A candidate must be a U.S. citizen, Minnesota state resident or has received Courage Center services. Applications must be received by May 31, 2013.
  3. 180 Medical Scholarship Program. This program was created to help students with Spina Bifida, a spinal cord injury or Transverse Myelitis pay for college. Three $1,000 scholarships available. To apply you need to submit an official transcript, college acceptance letter and an essay. Deadline to apply in June 1, 2013.

You can find other scholarship opportunities and more information at Scholarships.com.

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