Action Trackchair: Making the Outdoors Accessible

After a long, harsh winter, spring has finally arrived with summer just around the corner.  For individuals with mobility impairments, the winter may have been a big challenge due to the lack of maneuverability in the snow; now that the white, frigid blanket of snow has melted thus revealing the ground beneath, the frustrations for individuals in wheelchairs may continue.  This is especially true for those who love the outdoors and dream of adventures such as camping, fishing, hunting, and treading alongside the salty ocean water at a beach.  Unfortunately, the traditional wheelchair doesn’t allow individuals to travel off paved surfaces.

Is there a wheelchair that opens up the outdoors for these individuals?  The Action Trackchair is one of the most robust options available on the market today; it is an off-road wheelchair allowing users to navigate mountain roads, campgrounds, woods, beaches, hiking trails, frozen lakes, shallow streams, muddy and snowy terrain and much more.  With this chair, individuals can leave their worries behind and enjoy some fresh air and adventure outside.

The Trackchair’s max speed reaches 5 mph, which is the pace of a brisk walk, and offers accessories to better accommodate users with their specific interests.  It is designed with treads instead of traditional wheels, allowing users to gain traction and travel on a multitude of terrains.  For more information on the Action Trackchair, visit their website here.

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