Introducing the ultimate off-road wheelchair: The HexHog

I cannot count how many times an individual has asked me regarding my power wheelchair: “Does that thing go off-roading?!”  Each time I am asked this, I politely chuckle and smile, wishing my chair could withstand rough terrain.  Although my chair is able to handle some bumpy terrain, it is not designed to maneuver through mud, water, sandy beaches, or snow or ice (which is very inconvenient in the Midwest!)  So whenever I come across wheelchairs offering such abilities, I have to look them up!  I recently came across an off-road wheelchair called the HexHog, which offers unprecedented access to these extreme terrains.

The HexHog was fully developed after being tested in the harshest of mountain terrains and extreme environments for more than five years.  It is designed to offer the traditional attributes of a power wheelchair, with the added mobility of an all-terrain vehicle.  With HexHog, wheelchair users or those with limited dexterity can safely access the extreme grounds of the country or wilderness with complete independence.


Key design features for this all-terrain chair include:

1. All-wheel drive providing maximum off-road traction.  This feature makes it able to tread through water, travel through mud bogs, and cross snow or sand without harm in performance.

2. Electronic drive architecture, providing maximum independence to wheelchair users of varying abilities.

3. The HexHog features a patented frame, which provides stability superior to an ATV without needing to actively lean or ride.  The mechanism is designed to ensure all six wheels maintain contact when traveling through rough terrain, while minimizing seat movement for a comfortable ride.

4. The lithium-ion battery provides a fast charge in less than two hours and has no vibration, fumes or noise from engines with a long range.

For more information on this all terrain wheelchair, check out the HexHog website.

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