Learn math with these fun apps!

mathWhether we like to accept it or not, math plays a significant role in our daily lives and is used consistently throughout each and every day.  Numerical figures are everywhere: classrooms, offices, banks, stores, and even at home!  Our age, the time of day, dates on foods that we eat, products that we buy–all of these things are influenced by arithmetic in some form.  Despite its prevalence among each individual’s life, many struggle learning math beginning with its basic principles (i.e. identifying numbers, counting, etc.)  What resources are available to help you or your child out?  Tutors are a great option, but can be expensive and have inflexible schedules.

Here are five handy apps to help make learning and practicing math easier:

1. IXL Math Practice:ixlmath

This free app is a comprehensive math app offering practice for students in preschool, all the way up through high school.  Concepts range from shapes and money, to graphing complex equations.  The clean interface makes it easy to use.  A unique feature of this app includes its standardized testing presentation of equations, helping students better prepare for upcoming quizzes and tests!

2. Khan Academy:

This comprehensive app offers a growing library of over 4,200 videos and articles, covering a myriad of subjects like K-12 math, science, history, humanities, finance and more!  This is a great tool for students with learning disabilities as it grants users the ability to learn at their own pace, and the opportunity to revisit lessons if desired.

todomath3. Todo Math:

This is an app designed for students in early elementary (K-2nd grade), or for students who are developmentally delayed and are at this level.  It includes 20+ multi-level games practicing counting, adding, subtracting, days and weeks, patterns and more.  It is a multi-sensory learning experience with beautiful, colorful graphics.  It also offers these accessibility options: left-handed mode, OpenDyslexic font option, help button, and simplified keypad input style.

4. Todo Telling Time:

This app provides exciting opportunities for students in kindergarten through second grade to learn all aspects of time telling through 6 fun, interactive mini games.  On this app, children will learn to tell time to the hour and minute, digital time, calendar concepts, and the components of a daily schedule.  Students will practice ordering numbers around a clock face, counting by fives, elapsed time, and estimates of time.

5. MyScript Calculator:

This app works similarly to a standard calculator as it helps students obtain solutions to mathematical problems.  It is dissimilar in the fact that it allows users to use their own handwriting instead of just punching in numbers.  It works simply by writing the equation out and then the solution is provided in real time, providing great practice for writing numbers and/or calculations by hand.  This is noted to be a great tool for individuals with Dyscalculia.

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