Jazz up therapy with the MusicGlove!

For individuals recovering from a stroke or other neurological injury, physical therapy is often a humdrum part of their daily routine.  Though it is necessary for recovery, therapy becomes so mundane that individuals often lack motivation and may not wholly reap its benefits.  Flint Rehabilitation Devices recently introduced a new device to jazz up this oft-humdrum therapy called the MusicGlove.  The MusicGlove is the world’s first FDA approved, clinically validated hand rehabilitation device that combines gaming with music to make therapy more intriguing.

The device features a glove with sensors that tracks a user’s hand movements.  It is portable with a simple setup so that users can practice therapy at home or on the go.  The product is quick to set up and requires no prior knowledge of computers.  The Glove comes with everything necessary to get started immediately:Music+Glove+June-33-EDITEDFTHER

  • MusicGlove
  • 10-inch tablet (Home Version, $1,149)
  • 21-inch monitor (Clinic Version, $4,199)
  • Custom headphones
  • Connection cables
  • User manual

The therapy-based game is comparable to Guitar Hero.  To play, users will complete specific movements to keep up with the scrolling notes displayed on the console, which are timed to the rhythm of upbeat songs.  Some of these movements include pincer grasp and key pinch grip, which are “vital to regaining the ability to use the hand after neural damage.  MusicGlove motivates a high number of intensive and functional movements that have been proven to lead to clinically significant improvements in hand function.”

According to Nizan Friedman, president and co-founder of Flint Rehabilitation Devices, the device helps increase the user’s attention span, cognitive functioning, neuropsychological scores, well-being and recovery.  It empowers them to regain their independence by delivering a motivating therapy regimen that significantly restores hand function in just two weeks.  He later continued:

“Engaging with music offers a form of therapy that will keep users motivated to continue their rehabilitation regimen, and facilitates a user’s hand’s ability to recover after a stroke.  As music is naturally highly repetitive, people using MusicGlove typically make over 2,000 movements in a 45-minute session.  In rehab, the number of repetitions is one of the most important factors for regaining hand function.  Users involved in clinical studies with the device love MusicGlove and are laughing, singing along, and enjoying the experience while seeing measurable results in a short period of time.”

Go to the MusicGlove website to learn more or check out the video below:

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