Introducing the iDo Hygiene App!

Choosing the best app for each child may be a major challenge.  After all, there are so many educational games and productivity apps already available to choose from–with the list ever-growing!  However, a newer app, created by the Center for Educational Technology, recently caught my attention as its lesson is clear: ido hygiene apppersonal hygiene.   iDo Hygiene is an iPad app that teaches personal hygiene through instruction, videos and games.

The iDo Hygiene app covers 12 self-care tasks and was designed specifically for individuals with cognitive impairment, autism and other special needs.  The app is free to download and provides two tasks (shampooing and washing face) for free.  The additional skills are available as an in-app purchase for $1.99 each, or all units for $9.99.

iDo Hygiene covers these 12 tasks:

  1. Shampooing (free)
  2. Washing your face (free)
  3. Washing your hands
  4. Taking a shower
  5. Brushing your teeth
  6. Applying deodorant
  7. Shaving with an electric razor
  8. Making a ponytail
  9. Combing long hair
  10. Boy in bathroom
  11. Girl in bathroom
  12. Public bathroom

ido hygiene screenshot

For each unit, users can find:

  • A step-by-step video demonstration of the activity.
  • A sequence of the task’s steps in images, accompanied by narrated text for each stage, and the option to mark the completion of each step.
  • A unique tool to create a personal sequence of the activity’s steps by taking photos within the app.
  • A tool to create a personal video of the task within the app.
  • Educational games reviewing and practicing each task (e.g. What is the next step? What doesn’t belong? and more.)

Click here to view a YouTube video on the iDo Hygiene app.

To learn more on the iDo Hygiene app, visit iTunes.

One comment:

  1. Hello !

    Is this app still available? I don’t see it in my iPhone app store.

    I’m specifically looking for a hygiene app that will help my son check off all his tasks in the morning. He has HFA & is 16yo.

    Thank you!

    Blue Skies,

    Julie James

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