Autism / DTT Colors by Dr. Brown

Dr. Gary Brown has over 40 years of clinical experience as a licensed psychologist specializing in autism.  He maintains a research program exploring the causes of autism and has applied his “knowledge to the development of apps for children with special needs.”  One app out of a series is called Autism / DTT Colors by Dr. Brown.

A primary teaching method used in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is Discrete Trial Training (DTT), which is used in all of Dr. Brown’s apps.  In the Colors app specifically, children will learn basic colors and shapes.  It can be used to teach colors to children with autism, ADD, ADHD, or any child who struggles focusing.

There are multiple language packs available that allow students to learn colors and shapes in other languages.  Languages include: Chinese, English, French, Spanish and Norwegian, with other languages on the way.

Further notes on Autism / DTT App:

This app has a setup screen that allows you to enter the basic parameters such as correct and incorrect colors, timing settings and number and type of cards to display.  After you select the basic settings and press start, the app simply displays multiple colored cards on the screen and verbally announces to your child the name of the correct color that should be touched.  After your child has touched a color, the app gives positive verbal feedback to your child, letting them know if they pressed the correct or incorrect color.  After ten questions/trials the app will display the number of correct answers received, and it will also write a log entry so that these results can be reviewed later.

Other Autism / DTT Apps by Dr. Brown:

  1. DTT Animals
  2. DTT Words
  3. DTT Letters
  4. DTT Numbers
  5. DTT People
  6. DTT Shapes
  7. DTT Pro

Visit the app on the App Store to learn more!

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