EyeMine – Software that allows you to play Minecraft with your eyes

By now, I’m sure you’ve at least heard about Minecraft.  If you’re unfamiliar with it though, it is a popular, open-ended, first-person game with a focus on exploration and crafting.  Unfortunately, many people with severe physical disabilities may not have the dexterity or movement to play Minecraft. That is until EyeMine software became available!

EyeMine is a Windows-based software that allows players to operate the game – using only their eyes!  EyeMine is free to download for anyone with a Minecraft account and works with a variety of eye-trackers.  (Click here to view a list of compatible eye-tracking devices.)

The EyeMine website describes how it works:

“Eye-trackers have inbuilt infrared cameras which track where your eyes are looking, letting you move the mouse pointer around on the screen. You can ‘click’ by dwelling (staring at a screen button for a certain length of time) or by using a switch that’s plugged into the computer. You can see dwelling in action in the lower screenshot – it’s the red circular timer.

Our EyeMine software harnesses this control specifically to play Minecraft, and consists of an assistive keyboard as well as a custom mod that makes a few small changes behind the scenes to make Minecraft more accessible.”

Features of EyeMine include:

  • Developed by SpecialEffect, a UK-based charity which uses video games and technology to enhance the quality of life of individuals with disabilities
  • The free software functions just as the name suggests, via an eye tracker
    • This means gamers with physical disabilities can use just their eyes to select items from their inventory, move their Minecraft character around, fly, or even attack enemies
  • System requirements:
    • You need a Windows PC running at least Windows 7; it is not compatible with Minecraft on mobile or gaming consoles
    • You’ll also need one of the compatible eye-trackers
    • Finally, you’ll also need a Minecraft account, which is available for purchase on the Minecraft homepage

Click here to learn more!

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