JACO image

Live Your Best Life with JACO

Imagine being able to accomplish a task that was once impossible, safely and independently. The KINOVA JACO Assistive robot — known as “JACO” —provides a way for those who have limited or no upper limb mobility to achieve this.

JACO arm

Designed to be mounted on a power wheelchair and to integrate fully into your daily life, this signature robotic arm is a tool that can significantly improve the everyday life of those with paralysis, cerebral palsy, stroke, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, spinal cord injuries and other upper limb mobility limitations.

The KINOVA JACO Assistive robot does not just improve the quality of life for the user, but also those who are assisting them. Now occupational therapists can focus on quality of care instead of helping their clients with simple routine tasks.

Safe and Versatile

Both exceptionally safe and versatile, JACO:

JACO features

  • Features six-axis movement corresponding to the shoulder, elbow and wrist
  • Allows 16 movements to mimic the smoothness and versatility of a fully-functioning human arm
  • Can be mounted on your wheelchair
  • Is made from lightweight carbon fiber and light to the touch
  • Is durable and weather-resistant
  • Comes standard with a two- or three-finger gripper
  • Uses the same power source as a wheelchair
  • Allows you to take full control of the wheelchair’s joystick, head control, sip-and-puff, head array system or almost any other interface, in combination

What JACO Allows You To Do

A few examples of what everyday activities JACO allows you to do are below:

Person using JACO arm

  • Open doors
  • Take the elevator
  • Eat and drink independently
  • Brush teeth and hair
  • Go to school
  • Raise an arm in class or a meeting
  • Pick up objects
  • Pick up the phone in case of emergency
  • Play video games and board games
  • Play with your kids and pets

Get a glimpse of what JACO can do by watching this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LK8yuPGp3o&feature=emb_logo.

Person in wheelchair with JACO arm

Learn more and ask for a demo by visiting: http://ow.ly/TzOC30qTMDi.

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