Podcast: Play in new window | Download Panelists: Brian Norton, Josh Anderson, Belva Smith, Tracy Castillo ATFAQ164 – Q1. Microphones for remote interpreting, Q2. Simple wearable reminder device, Q3. Devices for stuttering, Q4. Accessible cabinets, cooktops and sinks, Q5. Accessible trivia games, Q6. Wildcard: What do smart speakers need to improve on —— Transcript Starts […]
Posts in the Assistive Technology FAQ (ATFAQ) Podcast category:
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ATFAQ163 – Q1. Digital Literacy for Seniors, Q2. State AT Programs, Q3. Portable Video Magnifiers, Q4. Notetaking for person who is blind, Q5. Issues that slow down workplace accommodations, Q6. Wildcard: Tell us about a previous job of yours
Podcast: Play in new window | Download Panelists: Brian Norton, Josh Anderson, Belva Smith, Tracy Castillo ATFAQ163 – Q1. Digital Literacy for Seniors, Q2. State AT Programs, Q3. Portable Video Magnifiers, Q4. Note-taking for the person who is blind, Q5. Issues that slow down workplace accommodations, Q6. Wildcard: Tell us about a previous job of […]
ATFAQ162 – Q1. What is more accessible Amazon Echo or Google Home, Q2. Alarms for Deaf Student, Q3. Reading and Filling in forms with smartphone, Q4. Transition from HS for students/parents with disabilities, Q5. Is Dragon voice-input worth the investment, Q6. Wildcard: DEI and Disability?
Podcast: Play in new window | Download Panelists: Brian Norton, Josh Anderson, Belva Smith, Tracy Castillo ATFAQ162 – Q1. What is more accessible Amazon Echo or Google Home, Q2. Alarms for Deaf Student, Q3. Reading and Filling in forms with a smartphone, Q4. The transition from HS for students/parents with disabilities, Q5. Is Dragon voice-input […]
ATFAQ161 – Q1. Smart Pillboxes, Q2. Tracking devices for elopement, Q3. Should I upgrade to Windows 11, Q4. Using the computer with limited fine motor control, Q5. Accessible BBQs and meat smokers, Q6. Wildcard: Are delivery services here to stay?
Podcast: Play in new window | Download Panel: Brian Norton, Joshua Anderson, Belva Smith, Blake Allee ATFAQ161 – Q1. Smart Pillboxes, Q2. Tracking devices for elopement, Q3. Should I upgrade to Windows 11, Q4. Using the computer with limited fine motor control, Q5. Accessible BBQs and meat smokers, Q6. Wildcard: Are delivery services here to […]
ATFAQ160 Q1. Accessible Gaming Considerations?, Q2. Affordable, Low-tech door entry systems, Q3. Medication and Exercise apps, Q4. Talking financial calculator, Q5. Easier way to activate small buttons on phone, Q6. What delivery services do you use?
Podcast: Play in new window | Download Panel: Brian Norton, Joshua Anderson, Belva Smith, Blake Allee ATFAQ160 Q1. Accessible Gaming Considerations?, Q2. Affordable, Low-tech door entry systems, Q3. Medication and Exercise apps, Q4. Talking financial calculator, Q5. An easier way to activate small buttons on phone, Q6. What delivery services do you use? —– Transcript […]
ATFAQ159 – Q1. Accessing iPhone with Vision and Mobility needs, Q2. Smartphones without internet access, Q3. Voice-input with Zoom online meetings, Q4. Handsfree solution for answering phones, Q5.Favorite productivity apps, Q6. Wildcard: Favorite Podcast Listens
Podcast: Play in new window | Download Panel: Brian Norton, Josh Anderson, Tracy Castillo ATFAQ159 – Q1. Accessing iPhone with Vision and Mobility needs, Q2. Smartphones without internet access, Q3. Voice-input with Zoom online meetings, Q4. Handsfree solution for answering phones, Q5.Favorite productivity apps, Q6. Wildcard: Favorite Podcast Listens —— Transcript Starts Here ——