Microsoft makes improvements to Office Online Accessibility

There are no built-in screen readers for Windows operating systems and the screen reader software compatible had cost hundreds of dollars until a year ago when Ai Squared and GW Micro merged and partnered with Microsoft last year and started providing “people who are blind, visually impaired, or print disabled with a completely functional and free […]

Top 7 features for the visually impaired in iOS 8

In Apple’s recent update, iOS 8, the company increased its accessibility with its addition of several new features for individuals with disabilities.  A while back, I covered potential accessibility features in a previous blog on iOS 8, but now that the update is finally available I felt it necessary to highlight the new features that may benefit individuals specifically […]

Franklin Speaking Language Master

The Speaking Language Master is a solution for students of all ages who are challenged by blindness, visual or speech impairments, learning disabilities or dyslexia. It offers full speech controls to read screens or speak individual words at the speed you choose. This assistive technology device corrects over 130,000 words and includes aural cues to […]