March is Disability Awareness Month in Indiana

Cultivate Inclusion
Cultivate Inclusion

It’s finally here! Disability Awareness Month has started and there are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved! . Each March, Disability Awareness Month is celebrated throughout Indiana and this year marks the 21st year of the celebration. Adults and children with disabilities represent slightly more than 19 percent of Indiana’s population making disability awareness important for all of us.

Led by the Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities, the goal of Disability Awareness Month is to increase awareness and promote independence, integration and inclusion of all people with disabilities. The Council develops a unique theme for this annual event and produces campaign materials that are available free of charge to Hoosiers who want to help make a difference.

This year’s theme is “Cultivate Inclusion” and there are a number of chances for you to do just that during the awareness month. From fashion shows, the Ms. Wheelchair Indiana Pageant, education conferences, resource fairs, art exhibits, and a number of awareness events, Indiana has proven that it is committed to helping and spreading awarenss for individuals with disabilities. Become an advocate and attend one of the events in your neighborhood! You can find an event near you by visiting Indiana Disability Awareness Activity Listing page.

Let’s make Disability Awareness Month 2011 a success and continue to advocate and learn throughout the entire year.

One comment:

  1. I think you nailed with your last statement. It’s not just a once a year thing. Like you said, rather, it’s a continual and assertive effort throughout the year(s).

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