Alternative Financing Program

The INDATA Project does more than loan out assistive technology; the project also helps qualified individuals receive funding in the form of loans from STAR Financial.

The Alternative Financing Program (AFP) can be utilized like any other loan program within the INDATA Project. Just like obtaining a piece of equipment from the loan library, anyone interested in taking out a loan must live in Indiana, have a documented disability and have no other means of financing assistive technology.

Interested individuals can obtain an AFP application form from the Assistive Technology Department at Easter Seals Crossroads at 1-888-466-1314 or by calling Nikol Prieto at 317-466-2013, ext. 2484. Currently, applications are available by mail or electronically.
The application is not a lengthy one and asks for the following information:

• Documentation of a disability (letter from a nurse, physician, case worker or certified official)
• Intended use of the assistive technology that the loan would provide, including vendor information and anticipated cost
• Questions regarding the individual’s acknowledgement of the loan relationship with STAR Financial, that the individual is required to repay the loan and that the loan is NOT a grant, gift or other type of funding source

It is important to note that this information is for use in determining eligibility by Easter Seals Crossroads only and not by Star Financial.

Once the completed application is received, that is that the applicant has filled out all necessary fields of information, the INDATA Loan Committee review the application to ensure that the loan’s intended use is for assistive technology. If the committee confirms the intended use of the loan if for assistive technology, the application is sent to STAR Financial.

From there, STAR Financial will contact the individual to conduct a credit check. A synopsis of the credit report and loan approval or denial is then sent back to the INDATA Loan Committee. If the loan is approved, then STAR Financial is instructed to process the loan. If the loan is denied, then the committee will review the application and determine whether to process the loan. Currently, the loan maximum is $10,000.

What kinds of assistive technology are eligible for loans?
• Mobility aids
• Braille equipment
• Hearing aids
• Augmentative and alternative communication devices
• Computers
• Environmental control units
• Home modifications for accessibility
• Modifications to motor vehicles for accessibility

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