Winter weather tips

Baby it’s cold outside! Before you get caught up in the magic of the season, it’s important to remember that in addition to the holiday festivities, the snow and the lights of the winter season, comes ice, wind and potentially dangerous conditions.

We, here at the INDATA Project, thought it might be helpful to give you some helpful winter accessories and advice to help you stay safe and enjoy the most magical season of the year. No matter whether the forecast calls for snow, ice or rain, it always helps to have a plan.

The following is a list of cool devices that will help make severe conditions more manageable.

Ice Grip Cane Attachment: The Ice Grip Cane Attachment helps promote safe walking on ice and snow. Its design includes an easy flip-up device to ‘close’ the prongs while not in use. Attaches easily to most canes or crutches with only two screws (included).

Yakrax Walker-snow and ice traction device: Available in a variety of sizes for men and women, this winter weather accessory makes it safer to walk on top of snow and ice. Made out of touch plastic and metal, Yaktrax allow you to walk anywhere from work or just to the mailbox.

Nubrella: The umbrella, reinvented. Instead of holding it in your hands, this bubble-like umbrella sits on your shoulders, making it impossible to invert in the wind and ideal for those in a wheelchair. Because it surrounds the user, this umbrella keeps out wind, rain, snow and extreme cold-offering more protection for your face, shoulders and head.

Touchscreen gloves: These silver-laced gloves allow you to use any of your touchscreen devices in the cold. What makes these gloves great is that the silver is not limited to just the fingertips, these gloves have silver laced through the whole hand to help maintain your connection.

Automatic car starter: Beat the cold with this last device, simply install it (or have it installed) in your vehicle and let it do the work when it comes to turning your car on and warming it up. Instead of braving the cold, you can now turn your car on from the warmth of the house and come out to a warm and defrosted vehicle.

Organizing the proper plans is necessary for severe winter weather, which includes snow, freezing temperatures, strong winds and ice. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends that seniors and those with disabilities do the following to ensure safety in case of an emergency this winter:

• Make prior arrangements with your physician or check with your oxygen supplier about emergency plans for those on respirators or other electric powered medical equipment
• Plan now to have electrical backup for medical equipment
• Develop a back-up communications plan in case land lines are disrupted by having a charged cell phone or a pager
• Maintain a two-week supply of medications, both prescription and non-prescription
• Have copies of your medical records, prescriptions and medical needs readily available
• Plan now to have accessible transportation in case of evacuation
• Have contact lenses, extra eyeglasses and batteries for hearing aids ready to go
• Include your service animals and pets in your plans

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