Ramp Up Indiana

The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) has recently announced the launch of a new program to provide assistive mobility devices to Indiana homeowners.  The program, Ramp Up Indiana, will provide “up to $25,000 each to eligible nonprofit organizations in Indiana as part of a non-competitive rolling funding round beginning May 1, 2016.  Through this program, 150-200 ramps will be built throughout the State of Indiana.”

As an individual who has used a wheelchair a majority of her life, my biggest concern when going anywhere is: Will the building be accessible?  When I think of accessibility, the first word that pops into my head is the simple four-letter word: ramp.  Naturally, I was super ecstatic to learn about Ramp Up Indiana and to get the word out there about this program!  I personally know many individuals who have needed a ramp, but aren’t able to afford installing one.

Did You Know?
The average ramp installation price ranges between $1,000-$1,500!


Eligible Applicants for Ramp Up Indiana:

  • Nonprofit 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) entities that can demonstrate an organizational mission of focus related to serving the housing needs of persons with disabilities.
  • Eligible beneficiaries of the program are limited to homeowners at or below 80% of area median income.
  • An organization may only have one active Ramp Up grant at a time.  Once the program is completed and the grant successfully closed, the applicant may then apply for a second grant if Ramp Up funding is still available.
  • Maximum request amount per application is $25,000.
  • Due to the nature of the program and the relatively small amount being invested in any individual home, the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority will waive its affordability period requirements.  No liens will be recorded against the homes assisted through Ramp Up Indiana.
  • The funding source of the program is Community Development Block Grant Disaster (CDBG-D) funds.
    • There are ten counties in Indiana that are ineligible for these funds:
      • Blackford
      • Clinton
      • Delaware
      • Howard
      • Lagrange
      • Miami
      • Steuben
      • Tipton
      • Warren
      • Wells

Click here to learn more about Ramp Up Indiana.

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