Gestype: Keyboard app for visually impaired

There has been an increasing number of accessible apps released on both Android and Apple devices over the past couple years.  Gestype is one currently in development for iOS devices.  In sum, it is an accessible touchscreen keyboard app developed specifically for individuals with visual impairments.

The developers behind Gestype are rethinking the standard keyboard and transforming it into an inclusive design for those with low vision.  The developers have recently entered the crowdfunding phase on Generosity by Indiegogo.

Frequently Asked Questions:
  • Why can’t blind/low vision users use voice?  Why do they need to type?
    • “Blind/low vision users do use voice.  However, voice input is problematic with background noise, in social/professional situations and can be error prone.  Plus, typing gives them privacy, speed and ability to communicate anywhere and anytime.”

gestype keyboard for visually impaired

  • How long does it take to learn Gestype?
    • “We have found within 2 x 15 minute sessions, a user can start typing short sentences.  Plus, there is a training game built in and of course, the more you practice the better you’ll get.”

Features of Gestype Keyboard:

  • Redesigned keyboard to keep up with modern touchscreens
  • The simple gesture-based interface makes it easy to learn
  • Built-in robustness allows for higher speed and accuracy
  • Supports VoiceOver
  • Doesn’t assume the knowledge of Braille
  • Built-in word prediction and correction

Click here to view the crowdfunding page on Generosity.

To learn more about Gestype, check out the developer’s website.

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