AM209 – Me, Myself, & You Board Game for Autism


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209-11-11-16 Me, Myself, & You Board Game for Autism

Hey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look at Assistive Technology, those clever tools and devices designed to help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or other special needs!

Three Stanford University students have recently developed a new board game titled Me, Myself, & You. Me, Myself, & You is a multiplayer board game specifically designed to facilitate social connections between young adults with autism.

The students came up with the idea of the game after noticing that approximately 50,000 individuals with autism transition to adulthood each year. The developers’ goal was to create a resource to help them better transition. The developers stated on their site: “The game premise and aesthetics are tailored to these young adults’ needs for peer to peer connection and sensory sensitivities. That being said, the game is appropriate for all individuals ages 12 and up, and has also been thoroughly enjoyed by all of our early adopting players – both neurotypical and autistic!”

To learn how to play Me, Myself & You, check out my blog post on the game or visit

For more information, to read our blog, or to drop us a line, visit That was your Accessibility Minute for this week! I¹m Laura Medcalf with the INDATA Project at Easter Seals Crossroads, in Indiana.

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