LapTalk Computer System for Visually Impaired

I wrote about the Wear from ActiVocal on Tuesday, which is a revolutionary assistive listening device for individuals who are hard of hearing.  In addition to the Wear, ActiVocal offers a variety of other products to assist those with visual, hearing, and mobility impairments.  Their LapTalk Computer is an example of one product for those with visual impairments.

The LapTalk Computer differs from other systems as it is more than a screen reader and a computer.  Users can get started once it’s plugged in and begin checking emails within a matter of minutes.  This ease of use is the “cornerstone of the system’s design.  Navigation throughout the system is menu-driven, consistent, and easy.”

Another neat feature that sets this device apart is that users don’t necessarily need any typing skills for most features.  There are a few keys (up, down, enter) that are necessary to navigate through menus.  Other features (e.g. E-Mail, NoteTaker, etc.) do require typing.  However, the included Typing Tutor is a fully vocalized series of lessons developed to help users learn typing!

The LapTalk System includes:
  • Computerlaptalk computer system from activocal
  • Scanner
  • “Open ear” headset
  • MP3 player
  • With the system, users can:
    • Read and write emails
    • Browse the web
    • Research in the talking encyclopedia
    • Listen to audiobooks
    • Play games
    • Use screen reader for multiple tasks
    • And much, much more!

Features of LapTalk Computer:

  • “Most intuitive computer access solution available” for those with visual impairments.
  • User-friendly navigation:
    • Select item for spoken information.
  • Designated Help Button
  • Brief tutorial opens at first launch.
  • Fully functional screen reader
  • Comes with two default voices:
    • NextUp offers more voice options (for purchase)


  1. My visually impaired husband has the Laptalk . Gmail has added a two-factor authentication protocol that I am not able to get the Laptalk software to work with? Is there an update available to help with this issue?

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