Sunu Band – Sonar Smartband for Visually Impaired

There are many devices available on the market to help individuals with visual impairments.  If you’re looking for something to use in conjunction with your white cane and/or guide dog, check out the Sunu Band.

The Sunu Band is a “sonar smartband that improves navigation for the visually impaired.  It combines sonar or echolocation with gentle precise vibrations to inform the user about objects or obstacles within their environment.”  The band augments awareness of the wearer’s personal space, reduces accidents, and “ultimately improves confidence while providing a more fluid and enjoyable mobility.”

sunu sonar smartband for visual impairments

How it works:

The band produces high-frequency sound waves which bounce off close objects.  Sunu then creates unique vibratory patterns depending on how close or far away the user is to the obstacle.  (For example, the pulses are much more frequent the closer you are to the object; less frequent if the object is further away.)

Features of Sunu Band:

  • Mobility aid that detects upper body obstacles from your knees to your head up to 15 feet away
  • Discreet and unobtrusive
  • Hands-free: once it’s placed on the wrist it’s ready for use
  • Customizable via Sunu mobile app
  • Simple interface: features just 2 side buttons and a sensitive touch pad
  • Should be used in conjunction with a cane or guide dog
  • Edge Detector function provides haptic feedback when you locate the edge of doorway or corner
  • Works for individuals living with visual impairments from “acute vision loss to total blindness”

Click here to learn more.

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