cboard AAC app mobile example

Cboard AAC App

There are so many available Augmentative and Alternative (AAC) apps and devices available that it can be overwhelming to find what works best for you or your child.  One available option is the Cboard AAC Web App!

According to its description on the developer’s website, Cboard “helps users with speech and language impairments to communicate with symbols and text-to-speech.”  The Cboard AAC app works on modern browsers and is available on a wide variety of platforms, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.

cboard AAC app mobile example

After the application is open, the user is shown a vibrant, easy-to-use interface to begin communicating.  One unique feature about the Cboard AAC App is that users don’t need to log in or sign up to use it; the boards are readily available by visiting Cboard’s website.

However, by signing in and creating an account, you’ll have access to more than 3400 symbols from the Mulberry Symbol Set.  You can then use these symbols to create custom boards for different situations in life.

Overview of Cboard AAC App:

  • An Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) web app for children and adults with speech and language impairments
  • This versatile application was developed with the support of UNICEF and “provides a unique voice for those who wish to communicate using the application’s language platform”
  • The app works on modern browsers and is available on both desktops and mobile devices
  • Cboard not only focuses on typical everyday content but also on emotions and feelings
  • After clicking the padlock icon 3 times in the top left corner of the application, users will be able to:
    • Customize the content including voice recording, color changes, icon changes, and label changes
    • Build further content using public content (since it is open-source software)
    • Delete, print, and share the content of the application
  • Offline support available on Google Chrome (on both desktop and Android device)
  • The app supports 33 languages

Visit their website or Google Play to learn more!

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