mano 6 handheld magnifier

Mano 6 Handheld Video Magnifier

If you or a loved one are in the market for a new handheld video magnifier, check out the Mano 6!  The Mano 6 is a full HD handheld video magnifier that you can carry with you wherever you go!

mano 6 handheld magnifier

This video magnifier features a high-resolution touch display as well as four tactile buttons for easy and comfortable operation.  Additionally, the magnification level can be controlled with either the touch display or tactile buttons; magnification ranges from 2X to 35X.

The Mano 6 also includes an “infinitely variable” fold-out handle which can be used as a stand.  It turns on automatically when you fold out the stand.  You can then place the magnifier on top of your reading template and start reading in an “ergonomic reading angle.”

Overview of the Mano 6 Handheld Video Magnifier:

  • Intuitive operation with only four tactile buttons and a touch display
  • Magnification adjustment can be done either via the buttons or by zoom gestures on the screen
  • Continuous magnification of approximately 2X – 35X
  • Equipped with an infinitely variable fold-out handle that can be used as a stand
  • Users can save images in the picture gallery (internal storage = 2GB of freeze-frame images) and/or transfer them to a micro SD card
  • 3-hour battery life on a 2.5 hour charge
  • Other features include artificial colors, line ruler, line masking, auto ON/OFF, button beep, etc.
  • Users can also use the handle to have a closer look at price tags while shopping etc.

Click here to learn more!

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