walabot home fall detector alert system

Walabot HOME Fall Detection System

Did you know 1 in 4 adults aging in place fall every year?  Unfortunately, only a fraction of them has a medical alert device or caregiver when they fall.  If you’re looking for something to help detect falls and notify emergency contact(s), check out the Walabot HOME Fall Detection System.

Walabot HOME automatically detects falls in your home and notifies your emergency contact(s) through a two-way voice call, so you quickly get the help you need.  It works by automatically analyzing the entire room it is placed in using advanced sensor technology.  

walabot home fall detector alert system

According to its website, Walabot HOME “provides 4 times the accuracy of other fall alert systems.”  It has no cameras so it protects your privacy and it does not require the user to wear a bracelet or pendant.  

Here’s more information:

“The Unlocked Walabot HOME does not require a monthly subscription or contract. Just install the device on the wall and you can rest assured that your loved ones are safe.”

Overview of the Walabot HOME Fall Detection System:

  • Unlocked unit: no credit card on file or monthly contracts; just set it and forget it
  • Automatically monitors for falls and calls for help if it senses a fall
  • Unlike other fall detection systems, the user does not need to wear a bracelet or pendant; 100% touchless alerts (no buttons, cords, or wearables
  • No uncomfortable device to lug around
  • There is no camera so it protects the user’s privacy
  • Easy to setup: you can be up and running in a matter of minutes
  • Works in all lighting conditions and steam (so works in the bathroom perfectly!)

Click here to learn more!

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