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Montessori Words & Phonics App

Montessori is a method of education that is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning, and collaborative play.  Their app, Montessori Words & Phonics helps children develop their reading, writing, and spelling skills.

montessori words phonics app logo

Before diving into the app, here’s more about the Montessori Learning Method:

In Montessori classrooms children make creative choices in their learning, while the classroom and the highly trained teacher offer age-appropriate activities to guide the process. Children work in groups and individually to discover and explore knowledge of the world and to develop their maximum potential…”

The Montessori Words & Phonics app helps children develop their writing, spelling, and reading skills by “using a set of 320 word-image-audio-phonics combinations using a phonics-enabled Movable Alphabet.”  The app helps children learn and understand two fundamental concepts:

  1. First, the app helps students understand that words are made up of sounds/phonics (phonemic awareness).  For each word, students can touch the empty rectangles where letters must be dragged to complete the word and hear the sound the corresponding letter(s) produces.
  2. Secondly, the app helps children memorize the phonics associated with letters by providing a phonics-enabled alphabet where children can touch each letter to hear the associated phonic.

Overview of Montessori Words & Phonics app:

  • App uses 320 word-image-audio-phonics combinations to help children develop their reading, writing, and spelling skills
  • Uses the proven Montessori learning method (Phonemic Awareness and Phonics)
  • Appropriate for children ages 3 and up
  • Children simply have to touch letters of a word to hear the word’s phonics
  • The Movable Alphabet allows students to touch a letter to hear its sound/phonic
  • Select words according to difficulty:
    • Level 1 displays a three-letter word with no difficulty for beginning readers (CVC words)
    • Levels 2 and 3 offer more complex words that contain more complex phonics (as long vowels sounds or blends)
    • Alternately, your child can choose from 44 sound categories–choose words that contain a specific sound (for example, long a, “k” sound, and so on)

Check it out on Google Play or the App Store to learn more!

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