Girl using Skyle

Skyle Turns Your iPad Into an EyePad

Girl using Skyle

Meet Skyle for iPad Pro — a world-first eye tracker that allows you to control an iPad completely with your eyes!

Skyle has been specifically created to utilize the power of the iPad Pro, turning it into an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device that can be controlled completely with your eyes. This tool offers the perfect solution for people with conditions such as cerebral palsy, ALS, Rett syndrome or spinal cord injury.

Skyle Allows Independence

Skyle allows those with complex access and communication needs to communicate independently using:

  • Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) apps such as Proloquo2Go, GoTalk NOW, TouchChat, Compass Connect & Predictable.
  • Environmental control via Environ.
  • Email with Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo and Mail by Apple.
  • Social media through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
  • Messaging with WhatsApp, Messenger, Slack and Teams.
  • Video call using FaceTime and Skype.

With a simple setup, the eye tracker requires no additional power supply or battery and is ready for immediate use. Simply insert your iPad Pro into the protective case, and plug in the eye tracker. Then, download the Skyle app, and you’re ready to realize the full potential of the iPad Pro with eye-controlled access, communication and environmental control.

How It Works

Skyle on iPad

Skyle for iPad Pro includes:

  1. Eye tracker.
  2. App for calibration, positioning, switch gesture and tutorials.
  3. A protective case that can be easily mounted to wheelchairs or stands using popular mounting systems such as REHAdapt and Daessy.

Positioning Skyle for your eyes

First, position yourself according to the video positioning guide within the Skyle app so the tracker can easily detect your eyes. After that, make sure you’re comfortable and relaxed. You may need a flexible or portable mounting system to position the screen at the right angle and height.

Then, when you’re in a good position, choose from five or nine calibration points to look at on screen. The more points you look at, the more calibration data Skyle has. Therefore, that results in more accurate eye tracking. Indicators will display on completion to show the calibration quality.

Skyle Will Help

Have questions? No problem! The app includes tutorials, useful advice and training to ensure you’re empowered and make the best of Skyle for iPad Pro.

To learn more, visit

Environmental control app EnvirON

In addition, Skyle allows users to control appliances in their home or school. For instance, that includes TVs and music systems to lamps, fans, kitchen appliances or door and window openers.

Simply download an environmental control app like EnvirON, and you can build a graphical display with up to 24 buttons using a gallery of commonly-used images or photographs using the iPad Pro camera.

To learn more about the EnvirOn app, visit



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