imaginAble solutions guided hands

Guided Hands by ImaginAble Solutions

ImaginAble Solutions creates assistive devices to improve the quality of life for people living with cerebral palsy, arthritis, spinal cord injuries, strokes, and more.  Their new Guided Hands device enables anyone with limited fine motor skills to write, paint, draw, and access technology through a touchscreen device.

To begin, place Guided Hands on a flat and sturdy surface.  Next, choose a handpiece that is the most comfortable.  There are a few options to choose from: a small rounded piece for a child, a large rounded one for adults, or a flat one for individuals with poor dexterity.  

imaginAble solutions guided hands

According to the developer’s website, Guided Hands helps individuals reach their full potential in school and in life.  It promotes communication, cognitive skills, independence, self-expression, and creativity. 

Overview of Guided Hands:

  • Multipurpose and compatible with pens, paintbrushes, markers, styluses, and more
  • Designed to enable controlled and guided hand movements
  • Ergonomic wrist rest and adjustable strap
  • Ambidextrous handpiece “tailored to the level of hand impairment and comfort”
  • Enables communication
  • Enables users to regain independence and self-expression

Click here to learn more!

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