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Tasty App

There are many apps and online tools to help you with new recipes.  One available resource is the Tasty app.  Buzzfeed launched Tasty back in 2015, and it quickly became a viral sensation.

tasty app logo

Tasty features over 3,000 recipes with step-by-step instructions to help you create new, yummy dishes.  The “My Recipes” page serves as your very own mobile cookbook.  There is also an innovative search tool that allows users to filter by any ingredients, cuisine, and social occasion.

In addition to several recipes, they also offer several food tips and tricks to make cooking even easier!

Overview of Tasty App:

  • Get step-by-step instructions on how to cook every single recipe. They’ll even keep your phone awake so you don’t have to worry about it falling asleep while you cook
  • Get recommendations for your next meal based on the time of day, day of the week, and major holidays
  • Vegetarian? Personalize the app to automatically hide all recipes with meat! (Don’t worry, you can always change this later)
  • Add recipes to your Tasty likes to save them for later.
  • If you live outside the US, they have side-by-side metric values for every recipe

Click here to learn more!

View our Tech Tip on the app here.

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