Dyslexie, a Typeface Designed for People with Dyslexia

For people with Dyslexia, reading text can be difficult because many letters are quite similar. For most people reading is fluid, so it’s hard to imagine feeling a different way. Dyslexics rotate and exchange the letters. For example, it’s common to switch the letters: b, q, p, and d. When he was a university student […]

Guest Blogger: Perspective from a High School Student with Dyslexia

I am a high school student going into my sophomore year. I was diagnosed with dyslexia in 3rd grade. As a young kid I was always interested in learning new things. Because I had trouble reading my parents and grandparents would read to me for hours. I loved listening and learning about things that I […]

Vibrating Alarm Clocks to Assist Hearing Impaired

A vibrating alarm clock is a handy tool for people who are deaf or have hearing impairments. A traditional alarm clock may not be loud enough to wake people from a deep slumber, but an alarm clock that you can feel would do the trick! Vibrating alarm clocks are small enough to fit under your […]