TextSpeak Wireless Speech Generator Keyboard

There are several AAC devices available on the market, but the TextSpeak’s affordability and unique features set it apart from others.  There are three sizes of keyboards available in the TextSpeak series: Mini/Palm, Standard, and Large Key.  The TextSpeak Large Key Wireless Speech Generator Keyboard features a speaker and keyboard with keys twice the size of a standard QWERTY keyboard.

Here’s what the company has to say on the different size options:

TextSpeak lets you choose the right keyboard. Rather than offer only one size keyboard we realize every patient has specific needs, typing skills and mobility issues. We have uniquely provided TextSpeak with several keyboard options to provide laryngectomy, cancer and aphasia patients the ability choose the right keyboard; one that may differ from a keyboard needed by stroke or ALS patients. TextSpeak is the ONLY AAC provider today that offers both wireless portable AND large key keyboard speech solutions.

The TextSpeak text-to-speech keyboard series converts text to voice while you type.  It features completely integrated DSP technology so it works without a PC and is “simple to use.”  Because it speaks words as they’re typed, it has unlimited vocabulary.  This fact alone sets it apart from many AAC devices.

More features of the TextSpeak device:

  • Wirelessly connects to keyboards
  • Intelligent, text-generating speaker and keyboard combo create speech
  • Works without a computer
  • AC and battery poweredlarge key textspeak
  • Features full-size keyboard
  • Expands to support most standard and special needs keyboards
  • It is light and portable, turns on instantly, and requires no setup making it simple to use.
  • Works with telephones
  • Offers both male and female voice options
  • Offers 30 programmable phrases

To learn more, visit the TextSpeak website.

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