StealthFly: Endless runner game for the visually impaired

“It is night.  You are a pilot, navigating a treacherous cliff-side.  Suddenly, the lights dim in the plane.  You can no longer see.  You only have the sound of the plane whizzing past the cliffs to guide you…”  Welcome to StealthFly, an endless runner game and winner of the SS12: Project Possibility Hackathon.  While there are so many fun, endless runner games available on mobile devices (e.g. Temple Run, Flappy Bird, etc.), none of them were designed specifically for the visually impaired.  StealthFly is the same type of game, but designed to be accessible for players with (and without) visual impairments.

StealthFly can be played as either a single-player or multi-player endless runner game for those with visual impairments.  Within the game, players rely solely on sound to let them know where the obstacles are.  Then they use the device’s gyroscope feature to maneuver around the set obstacles.

stealthfly app

How to Play StealthFly:

  • The obstacle is on the left when the sound lowers.
  • The obstacle is on the right when the sound gets higher.
  • Players simply tilt the device to avoid the oncoming obstacles.
  • The goal is to not crash into an obstacle; once a player crashes, he loses.

The developer has the following plans for upcoming version(s):

  • Ability to create friends-list and start games with friends.
  • Implement opponent-created obstacles, such as projectiles launched by the enemy player.
  • Voice-command option for the start menu and creating a game.

StealthFly was recently released this month in the App Store and is available on both iPads and iPhones for $2.99.  It is also available for purchase on the Google Play Store and the Amazon App Store.

Click here to view the Kickstarter campaign for StealthFly.

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