Claro ScanPen

Our very own director, Brian Norton, introduced the Claro ScanPen app in a Tech Tip earlier this week.  It is an app that allows you to have printed text spoken aloud.  This app can be useful for students with dyslexia, low vision, and much more. Claro ScanPen allows users to take a photo of their printed […]

StealthFly: Endless runner game for the visually impaired

“It is night.  You are a pilot, navigating a treacherous cliff-side.  Suddenly, the lights dim in the plane.  You can no longer see.  You only have the sound of the plane whizzing past the cliffs to guide you…”  Welcome to StealthFly, an endless runner game and winner of the SS12: Project Possibility Hackathon.  While there are […]