Ideas for Assistive Technology Holiday Shopping

The latest Assistive Technology Update podcast is now out, and in keeping with the holiday spirit it focuses on shopping ideas and available help.

Click here to access the podcast. This is actually the second part of the sixth annual holiday assistive technology shopping episode. If you missed part one, you can access it by clicking here.

Smart Klean Laundry Ball
Smart Klean Laundry Ball

The panel includes Wade Wingler, Brian Norton, Nikol Prieto and Josh Anderson, and also includes direct weblinks to great shopping ideas for assistive technology.

These include:

  • Smart Klean Laundry Ball
  • Liftware
  • Intact Sketch Pad
    Intact Sketch Pad
    Intact Sketch Pad
  • Mpow Bluetooth Adapter
  • Christmas Suits
  • Oculus Rift
  • Reminder Rosie
  • Blue2 Bluetooth Switch Adapter

As always, it can be streamed live or downloaded, and a full transcript is available for those who prefer to read.

Reminder Rosie
Reminder Rosie


The ATU podcast is your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs.

Merry shopping, and happy holidays!

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