Marcus Carter – Volunteer of the Year

The INDATA Project offers several free resources such as blogs, podcasts, and the Equipment Lending Library.  In addition to all these services, we also offer a device reutilization program through the INDATA Depot.  This program takes donated equipment (e.g. laptops, computers, CCTVs, etc.) and refurbishes them to give away to Hoosiers with disabilities.  Volunteers play a huge role in refurbishing this equipment.  The INDATA Project would like to congratulate Marcus Carter as Volunteer of the Year!

marcus carter with staff of indata project
(From left to right) Image of Brian Norton, Alvin Alviar, Marcus Carter, and Tracy Castillo

Marcus began volunteering in the Depot in 2014.  Alvin Alviar and Tracy Castillo (from the INDATA Depot) noted that he has great researching skills – no matter the topic.  They also highlighted that he was able to solve many of the most complex PC-related problems encountered in the Depot.

Alvin had much to say about Marcus:

“As I hear it, Marcus has grown up at Easterseals.  I have witnessed a lot of growth from Marcus.  I believe this growth is due to his willingness to learn and develop his skill and professionalism.


In the technical field, Marcus is a very talented person; when it comes to working on computers, there are few volunteers with his specific knowledge.  He can quickly zero in on the problem and research ways to fix most technical problems that come into the Depot.”

Tracy Castillo elaborated further:

“Best of all, he has had a hand in fixing many of the computers in the Lending Library as well as the Lab.  On a personal note, Marcus is a very ‘punny’ person and can always appreciate a good pun or two. Thank you Marcus for all that you do here at the Depot.”

How to become a volunteer:
  1. Visit
  2. Hover your mouse over Get Involved
  3. Select Volunteer
  4. View the Volunteer Application
  5. Specify “INDATA Depot” in the Preference section of application

Please email Alvin Alviar at if you have any questions.

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