National Assistive Technology Awareness Day

AT Awareness Day

Happy National Assistive Technology Awareness Day!

Last year, Congress made a resolution declaring March 27, 2019 as the first National AT Awareness Day.  This year we are celebrating the wonderful world of assistive technology today!

The definition of assistive technology (AT) may vary with each individual.  However, the federal definition is as follows:

“An assistive technology device is defined as ‘any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of an individual with a disability.'”

I have been writing about assistive technology for the INDATA Project nearly every day for over seven years now and I can truthfully state I have never once grown tired of the topic.  Not only do I love researching and writing about available technologies, I especially love witnessing the impact it has on the lives of individuals with (or without!) a disability.

In preparation for this special day, our very own Nikol Prieto put together a video of consumers saying what AT means to them.

We’d love for you to celebrate #ATawarenessday with us by sharing your own stories, photos, and experiences with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!

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