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AM404 – PhoneSoap Pro


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Hey there! Welcome to Accessibility Minute, your weekly look at Assistive Technology, those clever tools and devices designed to help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or other special needs!

Did you know your phone is 18x dirtier and contains more harmful bacteria than a public toilet?!  If you’re looking for a way to sanitize your phone, check out the PhoneSoap Pro!

According to its website, the largest smartphones easily fit inside the PhoneSoap Pro.  The company also guarantees the largest phone cases and accessories will also fit inside.

The device kills germs in just five minutes.  It utilizes UV-C light technology to sanitize your phone.  UV-C light has been a normal practice since the mid-20th century.  It is used in hospitals and laboratories today to keep their facilities sterile.

Other features include:

  • Unlike PhoneSoap’s standard models, the PRO model allows you to disinfect your phone automatically when placed inside or at the touch of a button
  • It is the “first and only consumer device to feature a vacuum-plated aluminum inner shell, adding the additional reflectivity for disinfecting phones and accessories of any size and shape”
  • You can plug your phone into the device to charge and sanitize while you sleep

Visit to learn more!

For more information, to read our blog, or to drop us a line, visit  That was your Accessibility Minute for this week! I’m Laura Medcalf with the INDATA Project at Easterseals Crossroads, in Indiana.

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