OK Away app screenshot

OK Away: Find Family and Friends

You can never be too careful while hiking or traveling.  An app called OK Away has been developed for travelers, providing a way for family, friends, and the travel community to connect better with safety in mind.  

OK Away app screenshot

According to the Educational AppStore’s description:

“OK Away provides reassurance that everything is okay to the families of backpackers, travelers, hikers, and other globally-minded adventurers and support when it might not be.  The app’s toolset provides a depository for relevant details such as contacts and travel insurance…”

The app constantly updates changing information such as the traveler’s location, departures, and arrivals.

Overview of OK Away:

  • View mapped location, address, local time, and phone battery for everyone you follow
  • View unlimited travel history with thumbprint maps of all walks, drives, bike trips, and other travel
  • Add your trip itinerary for travel abroad, day trips, or a night out on the town
  • Each trip provides a place to share travel insurance details and contacts for new travel buddies
  • Receive real-time alerts when a traveler arrives and departs each itinerary location
  • Receive a notification if someone you’re following fails to show up to a location on their itinerary 
  • All users will receive government travel warnings for their own location, the location of their followers, or any places included in a travel itinerary
  • Receive an alert if your family or friend’s phone hasn’t moved location for more than 14 hours

The app is free to download and all of the features are free to use.  Click here to learn more!

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