Mike and Lisa Overbay posing with their accessible van and Lisa is on the wheelchair ramp

Consumer Highlight: Lisa Overbay

Mike and Lisa Overbay posing with their accessible van and Lisa is on the wheelchair rampLisa Overbay has multiple sclerosis and is dependent on a wheelchair. To be able to leave her home, she needs a wheelchair accessible vehicle. She and her husband were using a 2006 van that he was able to convert himself with a wheelchair lift, but it was “on it’s last leg”. When they began to shop for new vehicles, the interest rates they were being offered were 8-9%, which made a new vehicle out of their price range and impossible for them to obtain.

Frustrated and looking for solutions, Lisa remembered that she had gotten information about the INDATA Project’s low interest bank loan program from the MS Society and she had stored it away. She located the paperwork and contacted the INDATA Project to learn more about the program. This was their last ditch effort in obtaining a vehicle and they were thrilled to learn that the interest rate would be right around 3%, which would mean a monthly payment they could afford. These low-interest bank loans are available to individuals who live in the state of Indiana and have a documented disability or dependent with a documented disability for varied assistive technologies such as an adapted vehicle. The minimum that can be borrowed is $500 and the maximum that can be borrowed is $35,000.

An application was mailed to them and Lisa indicated that she received the application very quickly. She and her husband filled out the application so they could work with the bank to determine how much the monthly payment would be based on different amounts of the loan.

Serendipitously, they had almost closed an account with STAR Financial, the financial partner that provides the loans, and were thrilled to know since they had not closed the account the interest on the loan would be 1/4% less.

Lisa said that filling out the paperwork was as easy as “snapping your fingers”. She said that the approval process was quick and easy and that the loan officer, Jenifer, was great to work with and once approved for the loan she told them to take their time and find the right vehicle. They then began to shop around on the internet. They ended up finding a vehicle that would best meet their needs at Mobility Works in Cincinnati. It was a 2014 with lower mileage than any of the other vehicles they had looked at in the local area.

The loan officer was able to come to their local STAR Financial branch in Muncie to complete the closing paperwork and set up monthly payments. Once the paperwork was completed, STAR Financial sent a check to Mobility Works and they were able to get their new van.

The Overbay’s were thrilled to get a van that is reliable and much more accessible for LisaLisa‘s old vehicle had an exterior wheelchair lift and her new wheelchair was too heavy for that lift. In the old van, her husband had to transfer her in and out of her wheelchair into a seat and with recent back surgeries that was getting very difficult. With symptoms of her multiple sclerosis getting worse, it was also hard for her to have the strength to transfer out of her chair even with her husband’s assistance.

Her new vehicle has a ramp that allows her to drive right into the van and with the seats removed she has restraints that make it possible to lock her wheelchair into place so her husband does not have to transfer her. Lisa said, “It’s just awesome and so much easier for both of us.” Lisa said, “Without this program, we would not be able to afford a van and I would have been homebound. This van allows me the freedom to go to doctor’s appointments, grocery shopping, and complete other daily tasks.”

Click here if you would like to learn more about the Alternative Financing Program.
















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