Microsoft Ease of Access Center

The INDATA blog is proud to offer information about assistive technology computers and devices; however, we realize that certain  products we feature can sometimes be very expensive or too sophisticated and overreaching of certain individual’s AT needs. The Tech Tip for this week  features equipment for the iMac that comes standard with the purchase of the computer. […]

Simple Solutions: Dressing Aids

Most people without a disability usually don’t give the process of getting dressed in the morning much thought. They pull on their pants, button their shirts, and put on their socks and shoes without difficulty or much regard at all. But for individuals who have problems with dexterity in their hands or limited mobility in […]

Showplace 16 in South Bend Now Offers Sensory Friendly Films

There is great news for movie goers in Northern Indiana! Showplace 16 in South Bend is the latest theater in Indiana to offer viewers sensory friendly versions of popular, current films. What are sensory friendly films and who will benefit from this new program in South Bend? Families and children with autism or other special […]

The Daily for the iPad

Rumor has it that News Corporation CEO and philanthropist Rupert Murdoch has lent his support and money to a fantastic assisstive technology tool! Well, while that might not be inherently true, Murdoch has spent a great deal of time and money helping create and produce The Daily, an interactive newspaper, for the Apple iPad. Although not expressly […]