Adding Captions on YouTube Videos

After reading and blogging about the Automatic Captions that have recently become available for YouTube videos, we were eager to try them ourselves.  It turned out to be a little more work than we expected, but the end results were very satisfying.  One of the biggest problems we encountered was that we found less information […]

AdBlock for Better Web Viewing

We’ve all had it happen to us – you visit a website but you are instantly thrown off by the bouncing advertisement that just won’t seem to leave the screen.  While it might be easy for a person who has no visual impairment to find that tiny “x” and close the ad, those who use […]

Product Review: Trekker Breeze

Imagine that you are on vacation, visiting a city that you’ve never been to.  You want to leave your hotel and walk around to the local shops and restaurants.  You’re not sure where to go or what to do, but you want to make it an adventure.  And –  you’re blind. Most people might think […]

Justine’s AT Story

Her story is one that begins with a love of art and ends with a return to independence. Justine Horlander is an Indianapolis native diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa Inversa. It is a disease that she was already familiar with. Her mother, grandmother and eight-year-old son, Nathan, all have some form of Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), an optical disease caused by damage to […]

Poster Retreat at Purdue University

2010 Center for Assistive Technology Poster Retreat & Innovation Networking Session WHAT: Information‐sharing and networking event for individuals interested in learning more and advancing the diverse and rewarding field of assistive technology. WHEN: March 26, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. WHERE: Discovery Park, Mann Hall at Purdue University WHY: To foster discussions regarding what is being done, what could be […]