Audio Radar Empowers Gamers to “See the Sound”

Sound design and music play an important role in video game development and the overall gaming experience. While sounds can create an immersive and realistic atmosphere, evoke emotions like fear, tension or joy and enhance storytelling, sound effects and cues also increase gamer awareness by communicating important information such as footsteps approaching or enemy danger […]

Augmental Offers World’s First Hands-Free Touchpad

As a quadriplegic, Keely Horch spent a long time avoiding assistive technology since much of it required the use of her upper limbs. Tomás Vega, the CEO and founder of Augmental, shared her frustration, and out of that, he developed the MouthPad^, the world’s first hands-free touchpad. “Human-computer interaction really has been focused on the […]

OrCam Hear Offers Conversation Solutions

In a 2023 study of more than 2,800 older adults, 65.3% (about 21.5 million individuals) of those aged 71 years or older had hearing loss, and by age 90 years, 96.2% of adults had hearing loss. However, only 29.2% of those with hearing loss used hearing aids. OrCam offers a more advanced hearing solution. The […]

ATU685 – ScanMarker Pro with Brian Friedlander

Podcast: Play in new window | Download Your weekly dose of information that keeps you up to date on the latest developments in the field of technology designed to assist people with disabilities and special needs. Special Guest: Brian Friedlander – Assistive Tech Consultant Website: In the US, email Brian: Bridging Apps: […]

iOS 17 Accessibility Features: Hearing

The telephone has come a long way since inventor Alexander Graham Bell made the first call nearly a century-and-a-half ago. Now, it’s no longer a communication device glued to our ear but a multipurpose tool for navigating the world. For people with hearing loss or impairment, the iPhone 17’s accessibility features make life run smoothly […]