Drop the Batteries: Low-tech Aids for Daily Living

A common misconception about assistive technology (AT) is that the device has to be made out of wires, use electricity and be really complicated.  This is absolutely not true!  AT that does not work off of that principle is called low-tech.  Low-tech devices after often found in the supermarket, the hardware store or even in […]

Assistive Technology Alerts People with Hearing Loss

How does someone with hearing loss get up on time for work or school if they can’t hear an alarm clock?  How do they know when the phone rings or when someone is at their front door?  Hearing loss can be frightening as well as frustrating.  Thanks to assistive technology, numerous options exist for these […]

Accessing the INDATA Loan Library

One of the most popular questions we receive at INDATA is “How do I get to the loan library?”  While the library is physically located at Easter Seals Crossroads, the information is stored on the online database. To access the loan library: 1.  Visit www.eastersealstech.com by typing the address in the address bar of your […]