Victor Stream Reader

The Victor Reader Stream gives people who are blind or have low vision access to a book with equivalent speed, flexibility and accuracy of reading a printed book. You have full control is at your fingertips.  It’s small and portable so your books and music go everywhere with you. It stores everything in its SD memory card. […]

Candy Grip Portable Magnifier

The Candy Grip portable magnifier features a foldaway handle and a back facing camera. The 5″ LCD screen allows people with low vision to be able to easily enlarge the objects to show up on the screen. This is useful for reading newspapers, prescription pill bottles, food wrappers and anything else with small text. It has continuous […]

Thermostat for People with Low Vision

Sometimes standard products can be used by people with disabilities as pieces of assistive technology (AT). AT includes equipment that is adaptive, accessible or helpful for people with disabilities. These can be high tech products like smartphone apps or eye tracking devices. Or, they can be lower tech devices that let people live more independent […]

Thermostats for People with Low Vision

AbleData lists several thermostats that are designed for people who are blind or have low vision.  Here are a selected few of their list. Honeywell Easy-To-See Thermostat The Honeywell Easy-To-See Thermostat tactile thermostat with large numbers that’s designed for individuals who are blind or have low vision. This mercury-free thermostat controls both heating and air-conditioning […]

Battery Tester for People who are Deaf Blind

People who are Deaf Blind can use pieces of assistive technology to make every day tasks more convenient. These devices are pieces of technology that are specifically designed for people with disabilities. If you’re like me, you probably have a place in your home (for me, it’s junk drawer in my kitchen) with old batteries, […]

Low vision electronic solutions

With technology, it always seems that the evolution never ends. Gadgets become smaller, more efficient and quicker all the time and gadgets for the blind and people who have low vision are no exception. Optelec is a company that provides assistive technology for the blind and visually impaired community and the following is a list […]